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I have said so many times that I am going to start writing down the funny things children say and do. So here it is! I hope you enjoy reading and it brings a smile to your face. I have protected the identity of the children by using different names.

Tuesday 17 May 2011

Hate dancing but can do brilliant cartwheels

A teacher told me this story the other day. He was about to do PE with his class of 7 year olds. One little boy asked what they would be doing. Teacher explained that they would be doing 'dance'.
 Little boys face dropped and he said 'My leg hurts'
Teacher said 'Am sure it will be fine'
'But it really hurts' said the little boy.
'You really will be fine once we get upstairs and do our dancing, now go and line up at the door!'
With that the little boy cartwheeled to the door. So much for a poorly leg!

Bugger please

During a guided reading session we were reading a book where a little boy has supper. I have several children with English as an additional language so I asked if they knew what supper was. One little boy didn't know so I explained that we sometimes have something to eat before bed and we call that supper. He then got excited and said 'I have supper!'
'Oh what do you have?' I asked.
'I have bugger!'
'What? bugger??'
'Yes!!! I have bugger!'
I was getting a bit worried so I asked him again.
'What's bugger?'
'You know Mrs P bugger and chips!'
The penny dropped! He meant burger! Oh dear I think we need to work on our ur sounds!

Wednesday 4 May 2011

mmm lovely menu

Back the Royal Wedding again, we were discussing in a class of 6/7year olds what would be a good Wedding Breakfast. The children had to design a 3 course menu. I asked one little girl what could we have for the main course.

She said 'Fish and Chips!'
I said 'That might not be the best thing for a posh wedding, but we could have fish. Can you tell me a name of a fish (I am thinking cod, haddock, salmon, tuna)?'
She said 'Nemo'
Well I suppose if you ask a stupid question then she was perfectly correct with her answer. I don't however, fancy Nemo and chips for my dinner!