About this blog

I have said so many times that I am going to start writing down the funny things children say and do. So here it is! I hope you enjoy reading and it brings a smile to your face. I have protected the identity of the children by using different names.

Tuesday 17 May 2011

Bugger please

During a guided reading session we were reading a book where a little boy has supper. I have several children with English as an additional language so I asked if they knew what supper was. One little boy didn't know so I explained that we sometimes have something to eat before bed and we call that supper. He then got excited and said 'I have supper!'
'Oh what do you have?' I asked.
'I have bugger!'
'What? bugger??'
'Yes!!! I have bugger!'
I was getting a bit worried so I asked him again.
'What's bugger?'
'You know Mrs P bugger and chips!'
The penny dropped! He meant burger! Oh dear I think we need to work on our ur sounds!

1 comment:

  1. I can almost guess where that little bugger came from - it's quite a common pronunciation of the word in my part of the world - India!


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