About this blog

I have said so many times that I am going to start writing down the funny things children say and do. So here it is! I hope you enjoy reading and it brings a smile to your face. I have protected the identity of the children by using different names.

Friday 22 April 2011

Nativity fun

Nativities always bring fun, laughter and tears. I remember one Christmas where we had quite a naughty boy in our class. Parents, Grandparents, Aunts and Uncles were watching their little ones with tears in their eyes.  So proud of their offspring. The children were nervous, excited and trying hard to remember their lines. Anyway this little boy was a sheep. I was in charge of the area behind the crib so I had all the lines ready to prompt any child that had forgotten. All was going really well until this little boy started getting a bit bored. I looked up from my script and there he was IN the crib. He had yanked baby Jesus out and tossed him to one side and climbed into the crib himself. It was very frustrating because he was just out of poking distance so I couldn't get too him without making a huge fuss. Eventually I managed to give him the look (any teacher or TA will know what that is) and he jumped out and put Jesus back. We did all have a laugh afterwards but at the time it was a matter of 'The show must go on'...regardless of who was in the crib...sheep or Jesus!


  1. I was that child twenty years ago!
    I was so disappointed at not getting a speaking part in my schools nativity play that I decided to be the best sheep the world had ever seen. I got into character by wearing a white fur coat and black tights at home every day on the days leading up to the play and insisted on crawling everywhere. On the big day I stole Mary and Joseph's thunder by eating the hay for real and baaa-ing loudly when they spoke their lines. Talk about 'method' acting!... Unfortunately there were no talent scouts watching that day!tee hee!


I love comments and especially any funny stories you may have