About this blog

I have said so many times that I am going to start writing down the funny things children say and do. So here it is! I hope you enjoy reading and it brings a smile to your face. I have protected the identity of the children by using different names.

Wednesday 27 April 2011

Royal family

With the impending Royal Wedding on Friday where all us British folk get a days holiday, we decided to use this wonderful learning opportunity to teach a bit of history. Lots of questions were asked of the children and we had some lovely answers.

'Who rules our country?'

'How do you get a prince?'
'When something marries a queen?'

'What is she wearing on her head?' (pointing to the crown)
'A hat'

Our younger children got a bit obsessed with death after being told that Princess Diana had died. With each member of the Royal family that was shown on the whiteboard the children were asking...
'Is she dead?'
'Is he dead?'

Another staff member mentioned that in her class they had some lovely prince names, including 'Prince Colin'!

I am looking forward to more stories tomorrow.


  1. So cute!!! I loved "When something marries a queen" LOL! Here is a story my friend over here posted on FB: So the highlight of my day is when my neighbors kid (5 years old) knocked on my door wearing a back pack full of clothes. "I'm running away and I need your help drawing me a map to the airport so I can go to New York cause that's where I came from." LMAO.........sure thing bud. So we sat down and drew it out a map to the "Airport". I gave him a bottle of water and my handheld GPS with a baggy of 4 quarters with a package of gummie bears. Off he went (His dad tailing behind him in the car) and made it all the way down to the walk in gate till he fell and his dad picked him up and took him home. His mom asked him what he would do with no one to take care of him and he just shrugged his shoulders. She made him pinky swear to never leave her again because it made her heart hurt and she'll take him to New York when they return to the states. He agreed and brought the water and GPS back to me and said thanks for the help.

  2. Aww Laura that is brilliant lol :)

  3. Very cute! You never know what kids are going to say or how they process the info we give them!

  4. Our village is holding a 'street' party, my son thought that meant the wedding was being held there too.


I love comments and especially any funny stories you may have