About this blog

I have said so many times that I am going to start writing down the funny things children say and do. So here it is! I hope you enjoy reading and it brings a smile to your face. I have protected the identity of the children by using different names.

Wednesday 20 April 2011

Allergic to tomatoes!

Today It was a child's birthday and he had brought cakes into school. We decided they could have a cake after they had had their fruit. One little girl who is 5 spotted the cakes and decided she didn't want fruit. This is how the conversation went between us.

'Are you going to have some fruit Courtney? '
'No I'm not hungry.'
'Well why not have a small tomato?'
'I can't '
'Why can't you?'
'I am allergict to them.'
'I don't think you are you have had tomatoes lots of times.'
'Well I AM allergict to them. I can't eat them on a Wednesday. '
'Why can't you eat them on a Wednesday? '
Looking at me as if I am stupid...'Because I bounce off the walls when I eat tomatoes on a Wednesday.'

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