About this blog

I have said so many times that I am going to start writing down the funny things children say and do. So here it is! I hope you enjoy reading and it brings a smile to your face. I have protected the identity of the children by using different names.

Thursday 21 April 2011

It's so sunny

During my phonics session with year 2s, the children were looking at the IWB. One little boy said to me 'Please can I get my glasses?'
'Of course you can' I replied (but also quite concerned because I didn't know he wore glasses)
 'Where are your glasses?'
 'They are in my drawer'
'Right go and get them then'
 I continued with my lesson. I looked down at the little boy and there he is sitting looking intently at the Whiteboard with massive black sunglasses on. 
 'I dont think they are reading glasses are they?'
He smiled and said 'No they are for when it is sunny'
'Well it isnt sunny now is it? Put them back in your drawer!'
He had obviously got some new sunglasses and wanted to make use of them.

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