About this blog

I have said so many times that I am going to start writing down the funny things children say and do. So here it is! I hope you enjoy reading and it brings a smile to your face. I have protected the identity of the children by using different names.

Wednesday 20 April 2011

Rub it out

I was working in the computer room with a large group of 5 year olds. They hadn't been on the computers very much. I had to show them a new program and what I wanted them to do on the IWB. They had to make a label with their name on it and decorate it. It was very stressful when they started because they all wanted some help. I was helping one little boy who had done something wrong. I said to him we needed to find the rubber so we could rub it out.  With that a whiteboard rubber was thrust in my face. A little girl had heard me and gone off to find one. She proceeded to try and rub out the computer screen.

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