About this blog

I have said so many times that I am going to start writing down the funny things children say and do. So here it is! I hope you enjoy reading and it brings a smile to your face. I have protected the identity of the children by using different names.

Wednesday 20 April 2011

Montana bay for the weekend

I put out activities first thing and all the children were busy. One little girl had been on holiday and she was telling me about it. Another little girl who is known for 'wonderful stories' came up to me and told me she had been away for the weekend (she is five).

"I went to the beach Mrs P "
"Oh lovely did you go to Bridlington or Scarborough? "
"Oh no Mrs P "
"Where did you go then? "
"Montana Bay"
"Oh lovely!"
"How did you get there?"
"By aeroplane, it took a long time and we got some surf boards and went surfing in the ocean. "

Oh my the imagination there!

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